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About Saco

How we process personal data

We need to process your personal data in order to offer you our services. We care about your privacy and do not collect more data than is necessary. Saco is the data controller for the processing of personal data.

What personal data do we process?

When you order something from our website, register for a course, meeting, seminar or similar, subscribe to a newsletter or press releases, comment on or interact with us on social media, you give us your personal data. This could include the following personal data:

  • Name
  • Address
  • E-mail
  • Telephone number
  • Union membership (when applying for membership of a Saco union)
  • Your workplace
  • Your professional role
  • Your position in the union

How do we collect personal data?

You provide us with data about yourself in a variety of ways, such as when you:

  • Send us e-mail
  • Order material or services
  • Start a subscription from us
  • Register for one of our events
  • Write a comment on our website or on our social media pages. 

We may also collect data about you when you use our services or contact us.

Purpose and legal basis

The data we collect is either necessary for us to be able to provide the agreed services, for us to be able to communicate with you, or when you have provided your permission.

Will we share your personal data with others?

We may share personal data with third parties, such as suppliers. The suppliers we use may only process personal data in accordance with the purpose and instructions provided by Saco for its processing.  When personal data is processed by a supplier, a processor contract is established.

We will never sell your personal data to a third party. 

Where do we process your personal data?

We process all data within the EU/EEA and take all reasonable legal, technical and organisational measures to ensure that all data is processed securely and with the appropriate level of security.

How we process your personal data

We save your data only as long as is necessary for the purpose for which it is used. We erase your data when it is no longer relevant.


When you subscribe to something via Saco’s website, your e-mail address will be saved in a database that is used to send the newsletter you have subscribed to. Your e-mail address will be erased when you have cancelled all your subscriptions via the website.

Registration for seminars and conferences

When you register for courses and conferences via Saco’s website, your data will be saved in a database that is used to administer them. The data is saved for a maximum of three months.

At our events we take photos or record films and sound that may include personal data. We do this based on the balancing of interests, as we have an interest in marketing our activities and reaching out to other interested parties with relevant information about our activities, as well as to be able to conduct effective lobbying for good working conditions. We always strive to adapt our events so that people who do not wish to be in pictures, for example, will have the opportunity to avoid them. You are always entitled to object to how we process your personal data. If you wish to do so, please contact the event manager.

Registering interest in membership of a Saco union

When you register your interest in joining one of our unions, you agree to us forwarding your data to the union you wish to join, and that the data is used to follow up your membership of a Saco union. The data is saved for a maximum of six months.

Comments on Saco’s website and in social media

Saco reserves the right to erase posts, comments, links and publications that we believe to be abusive, insulting, for marketing purposes, to discredit the market, or that entail copyright intrusion, criminal activity or similar. We also reserve the right to block users who repeatedly contravene our rules.

Sharing sensitive information about other people is not permitted when publishing questions and comments on our website or social media pages. Sensitive information may include union membership, sexual orientation, religion, etc. We monitor and moderate our social media pages and our website, Monday to Friday, 9 am-5 pm.

When you comment on Saco’s website we allow comments to remain for a year before they are automatically erased.

Ordering information material and branded products

We process personal data when you order products from our ordering service. Processing is done to administer your order and the legal basis is fulfilling the agreement entered when the order was placed. 

Social media

The provider of a social media platform has the primary responsibility for processing the users’ personal data. However, Saco is considered responsible for some processing that takes place on Saco’s pages.

Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube and Instagram

According to the General Data Protection Regulation, we are the data controller for activity that takes place on our pages on these platforms. This responsibility covers the posts we publish and other users’ publications on our pages.

Our primary responsibility is to ensure that we inform people about how we process personal data on our pages, that we moderate and remove comments that break the law and to respond to questions from people whose personal data is processed on any of our pages.

Other legislation states that we are responsible for moderation and ensuring that criminal comments do not remain on our pages. We exercise this responsibility by monitoring and moderating our pages, and erasing material of a criminal nature.


Because Twitter does not allow control over other people’s posts, tags, or comments on our posts, our responsibility is more limited.

For Twitter accounts, we are the data controller only for the processing of personal data in our own posts, but not for other people’s posts that are sent through the account. For posts that are criminal, we are only responsible for the posts we write ourselves and not material that it written to us or about us.

Saco Studentmässor – student fairs

According to the General Data Protection Regulation, Saco is data controller for the personal data described below for exhibitors, booking managers at visiting schools and the visitor’s ticket registration. ITM-Mobile, our supplier for the Saco Studentmässa app and administration system, and our partners Stockholmsmässan and Malmömässan, are the data processors.


We save your data for next year’s fair as a basis for the invitation and to be able to help you when you order, in case you should need to access information about the previous year’s order.

Visitors/ticket registration/planning and notes during the visit

We save your data in our app for three weeks after the completed event to give you time to export your data for the continued planning of your study choices.


We save your data for next year’s fair as a basis for the invitation and to be able to help you when you order, in case you should need to access information about the previous year’s order. We forward your booking information to our partners in order to conduct the Saco student fairs.

Saco’s competence development programme for study guidance counsellors

We save your registration data throughout the period of the course so that we can contact you when necessary.

Your rights

Right to access

You have the right to receive confirmation that we process your personal data and you may request a copy of the information we have about you. The copy is free.

Right to rectification

You have the right to ask us to correct information about you that is wrong or to supplement information about you that is incomplete.

Right to erasure (right to be forgotten)

You have the right to request that we erase your personal data if the information is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected. However, there may be legislation that means we cannot erase your data, such as accounting and tax legislation or consumer legislation.

Right to restriction of processing

You have the right to request restricted processing of your personal data.

Right to object

You have the right to object to processing conducted on the basis of balancing of interests. If Saco cannot prove that there are compelling legitimate reasons to continue processing the data, Saco must stop processing it.

Right to data portability

You have the right to data portability. This means you have the right to retrieve the personal data you gave to us and have them transferred to another data controller.

Right to make a complaint

You have the right to make a complaint to the Swedish Data Protection Authority if you feel that the way we process your personal data contravenes the data protection regulation.

Contact us

We have appointed a data protection officer. If you have questions about privacy and data protection, you can contact us via dataskyddsombud@saco.se.

If you have questions about whether you are in our registers or would like your data to be erased, please contact kansli@saco.se.

Anna Tafvelin Dataskyddsansvarig (DSA) anna.tafvelin@saco.se
Published: 2023-08-16

Updated: 2023-08-16

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