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SULF/Lund is one of many local associations within SULF (The Swedish Association of University Teachers and Researchers). We have about 2500 members at Lund University and are thus the largest Saco association at LU and the largest SULF association in Sweden.

SULF/Lund monitors the interests of its members, works with advocacy and organises seminars and member meetings on current themes, such as teachers' and researchers' copyrights, pensions, information in English for postdocs and doctoral students, ask the trade union, etc.

SULF is also a so-called contact association at Lund University, which means, among other things:

  • that local elected representatives are given advice, training, general services and negotiation assistance.
  • that SULF negotiates on behalf of Saco-S in central co-determination negotiations.

The contact unions must also ensure that all members of the Saco-S unions receive equal treatment regardless of union affiliation and pursue Saco-S and the Saco Federation's union policy.

Published: 2023-09-06

Updated: 2023-09-06

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