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About us

Saco-S (The Swedish Confederation of Profession Associations) is the joint negotiation organisation for all Saco-S unions within the state sector.

The Saco-S council at Umeå university (UMU) is the umbrella organization for all 18 unions that are a member of Saco-S. All Saco-S unions are entitled to representation in the Saco-S council, however not all unions utilise this right and therefore do not have a representative for their union within the Saco-S council. The Saco-S council at UMU has a Board of Representatives that has as one of their main tasks to appoint ombudsman for each of the faculties at Umeå University. The Saco-S council is the union partner in all negotiations with the employer (the leadership of UMU) and represents all Saco-S members at UMU.

SULF is the largest of the Saco-S unions at UMU, making it the so-called contact-union. The contact-union is responsible for providing advice, information and support in negotiations with the employer. SULF organizes and offers training in union matters for elected union officials within Saco-S at UMU.

The local Saco-S website is to assist all members of a Saco-S union at UMU to find the appropriate help for union-related questions. The first step in seeking help is to turn to the local union ombudsman or workplace representative at your department or unit.

These are the 18 different unions which are a part om Saco-S:

Published: 2021-04-28

Updated: 2024-04-22

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