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Closed for vacation from June 21st to August 9th

We are out of office during the summer vacation from Juni 21. Email will be answered upon return, August 12. Contact your union if you cannot wait until then. Addresses of all Saco-S unions can be found here: https://www.saco.se/en/trustee/local-union-work/local-unions/government-sector/saco-s/find-your-saco-s-union/

For urgent matters concerning your employment at Umeå University, contact our chairman Håkan Lindkvist, 070-569 83 86.

Our email address

If you have questions please contact the representative in charge of matters regarding your faculty.

You can also reach us via our email saco@umu.se. We make sure your email reaches the right person. If you leave your phone number in the email, we can call you back as soon as possible.

Contact information by faculty

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Peter Franck, peter.franck@umu.se
Berit Bergström, berit.bergstrom@umu.se

Faculty of Medicine

Per Lundgren, per.lundgren@umu.se
Berit Bergström, berit.bergstrom@umu.se

Fakulty of Science and Technology

Per Lundgren, per.lundgren@umu.se
Carl-Magnus Häggström, carl-magnus.haggstrom@umu.se

Faculty of Social Science

Charlott Nyman, charlott.nyman@umu.se
Johan Pålsson, johan.palsson@umu.se

The University Administration

Carina Keskitalo, carina.keskitalo@umu.se
Charlott Nyman, charlott.nyman@umu.se

Umeå School of Education

Ingmarie Mellenius, ingmarie.mellenius@umu.se
Carl-Magnus Häggström, carl-magnus.haggstrom@umu.se

University-wide Collaborative Group (CSG)

Håkan Lindkvist, chairman Saco-S council, hakan.lindkvist@umu.se, phone 070-569 83 86 
Johan Pålsson, vice chairman Saco-S council, johan.palsson@umu.se
Per Lundgren, per.lundgren@umu.se

The Work Environment and Equal Opportunities Committee

Anna Gustavsson, anna.gustavsson@umu.se

Our premises:


Published: 2020-06-17

Updated: 2024-06-13

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