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Questionnaire about corona

During the first two weeks of October 2021, a survey was conducted for all members on how they experience the situation during the corona pandemic

Forskare/lärare = Researcher/teacher, Doktorand = Doctoral student, Administrativ personal = Administrative staff, Teknisk personal = Technical staff, Djurvårdande personal = Animal care staff, Annan = Other

Number of days per week of work at home during the pandemic
0 to 5 days a week

How it has worked to perform tasks from home
5 = very good - 1 = very bad

Has received the support needed to be able to work at home
5 = very good - 1 = very bad

To what extent do the respondents want to work from home in the future
0 to 5 days a week

Published: 2021-11-03

Updated: 2021-11-03

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