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SRAT is a professional association and a trade union for university graduates or professionals with a college degree, specialists and managers in the fields of health, communication and management.

Become member!


SRAT is a professional association and a trade union for university graduates or professionals with a college degree, specialists and managers in the fields of health, communication and management.

SRAT has about 20 800 members in all sectors on the labour market.

Examples of professions represented by SRAT.

Associate audiologists, chiropractors, dental hygienists, healthcare advisors, health educators, speech and language pathologists, midwives, opticians, perfusionists, podiatrists, licensed aircraft maintenance engineers, maritime pilots, diplomats and specialists in a variety of governmental authorities.


Anyone studying on a course that leads to qualification for one of the jobs named above is welcome to join SRAT.

Membership of SRAT has lots of benefits:

SRAT signs collective agreements which help to influence your salary, your terms of employment and your career.

We help you to secure a better wage and better terms of employment, both through individual advice and through representing you in negotiations.

Our insurance schemes make you more secure, for instance our SRAT HĂ€lsoskydd scheme with healthcare advisors and income when you are on sickleave.

Our profession-specific associations lobby for the interests of your profession. Our lobbying work has led, for example, to a licensing system for associate audiologists. Similar measures are on the way for other groups.

Other benefits of SRAT membership include loans at favourable rates, discounted newspaper subscriptions and discounted electricity.

We look forward to having you as a member!

www.srat.se in english

Published: 2014-10-30

Updated: 2014-10-30

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