Swedish Association of Professional Scientists
Swedish Association of Professional Scientists today consists of over 32,500 people who can and want to contribute to the solutions of tomorrow. At least three years of university studies within natural sciences is required. Swedish Association of Professional Scientists unites agricultural scientists, biologists, computer scientists, physicists, chemists, mathematicians, forestry scientists and others.
Swedish Association of Professional Scientists

Swedish Association of Professional Scientists today consists of over 32,500 people who can and want to contribute to the solutions of tomorrow. At least three years of university studies within natural sciences is required. Swedish Association of Professional Scientists unites agricultural scientists, biologists, computer scientists, physicists, chemists, mathematicians, forestry scientists and others.
Swedish Association of Professional Scientists (Naturvetarna) is a professional association and union which unflinchingly stands up for its members' interests on the labour market. The union is not affiliated to any political party. Our aim is that our members' work is reflected in a good wage and that their working conditions enable them to do the best possible job. We also aim to increase awareness, particularly among potential employers, of how scientists' knowledge and competence can contribute to society's development.
We offer a package that provides security and a focus on personal development. We are there to support and coach our members in matters related to career development and working life from the time they start studying until they retire. We also have one of the best financial protection packages for those who find themselves between jobs.
www.naturvetarna.se in english
Updated: 2014-11-02